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Coronavirus and Granberg Lodge Updates


May 9th, 2022

We have decided to cancel our sponsored camps for Summer 2022. Because of the requirements from Pierce County to bring the Granberg Lodge up to code, we have not yet been able to secure a permit to start the work. We believe that we will obtain that permit in the coming weeks, but it will still be several months before we complete the work and reopen the Granberg Lodge. We did not make this decision lightly; every board member wanted more than anything to make camp happen. But without a working kitchen, eating and meeting space, and the added complication of construction crews, vehicles, and materials moving into and out of the camp this summer, we decided that this was the most responsible course of action.  


We know you have been praying about this fervently and we are sure that those prayers will be answered in ways we don’t expect. This summer, we are going to open-up the seaside cabins for rental and want to strongly encourage our campers, their families, and our staff to come out to Delano and enjoy the camp. We are currently developing a plan to still have our STS whitewater rafting trip and a celebratory dinner for graduating seniors. We will communicate more details about that soon. 


If you have paid for camps or made a deposit, we are going to issue refunds on Monday, May 16th. If you would like to donate your deposit or camp fee to the camp, please let us know before then. If you would like to rent a seaside cabin (or two) please check out the calendar ( and let the caretakers know when you’d like to stay ( 


Please continue to pray for Delano Bay Christian Camp, and the many hundreds of people that support, attend, and manage this wonderful resource. We aren’t sure what this summer will look like, but we still exist to encounter the good news about Jesus the Christ to further his kingdom. We will still partner with God in this endeavor even without our normal camp sessions and we hope that you will join us, too.


April 6th, 2022


Granberg Lodge Update

The repair and restoration of Granberg Lodge is on our hearts and minds. We have completed the removal and reinstallation of our electrical and HVAC systems in the lodge and are now awaiting a permit to finish the rest of this project.


Though the board is optimistic, we wanted to let you know that there is a chance that our permit will not be approved in time because of the extent of the damage, repair, and new requirements to bring the Granberg Lodge up to code. If the lodge is not repaired in time, we will not be able to host camps this summer. The board of directors has set a date of May 7th, as the date on which we will determine whether we are proceeding with camps. Following the board meeting that morning, we will send out communication about our decision. We know that our volunteers and campers have set aside vacations, arranged schedules, and eagerly await camp. We are doing everything in our power to make camp happen.


We have submitted a letter of hardship asking for the county to work with us to get our facility back up and running as soon as possible. Please pray that this process goes smoothly and that all our camps will happen this year and every year to come.


March 11th, 2022


COVID-19 Update

The statewide mask mandate has lifted and rates are rapidly receding. We are no longer requiring testing or masks for any of our activities. It is always helpful for our caretakers if you give them a call ahead of time to ensure availability. Thanks to all for your support during this challenging season!



August 5th, 2021


We continue to monitor the state and local government's recommendations regarding camp use. At this time, we are requiring negative tests or COVID-19 Vaccination at camps that are using our whole facility. We have removed our requirements for social distancing and indoor mask use once campers have checked in with their negative test or proof of vaccination. Contact with questions regarding this policy. 


These restrictions do not apply to individuals renting single cabins. 


May 11, 2021


Our mission at Delano Bay Christian Camp is to encounter the good news about Jesus the Christ to further his kingdom. This year our camps will look a little different (just like most things in our lives). We wanted to send you this note to let you know what our plan is for this summer. 

We intend to host summer camps because we think that our camps are the best way to accomplish our mission. We also know that many people have concerns about COVID-19 and the associated restrictions. We are asking that all families, churches, and campers partner with us as we try to become more like Jesus in everything we do. We understand that no matter what we decide, people will disagree with the path we take. We pray that you will give us grace and express your concerns in love to your church's board members or to Thomas Morse, the board chairman if your church has no active board members (

We are planning to host camps this summer, which means that we will need to comply with Washington State's guidance for overnight camps.  In accordance with the Outdoor Recreation COVID-19 Requirements, dated March 23rd, 2021, we can host camps if:

  • Pierce County is in Phase 3 or 4.

  • For Phase 3, campers and staff must either:

    • Have gotten the final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine ≥ 2 weeks before the start of camp

    • Gotten a negative COVID test less than 3 days before the start of camp and then quarantined after that test (COVID testing locations), and

  • In Phase 3, Campers and staff must wear masks and stay within their cabin groups (cohorts). 


We are developing a safety plan as we learn more about the restrictions in order to have camp. 




February 11, 2021

Based on current forecasts, we are planning on having summer camps this year. We will comply with all of Washington State and Pierce County Health Department requirements. We are not sure what that will entail but will make sure to communicate all details as soon as we understand them. We will continue to keep you up to date with all changes to our plans as the state gives us more information on COVID-19 regulations.


We may only be able to open the camp at a reduced capacity this summer. If so, we will allow registration on a first-come, first-served basis. So register early!



August 20, 2020


Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, we are limited in what facilities we are able to rent.
Here is What we do have available!

  • RV’s with full hookups and Seaside Cabins available

    • Rv’s $25 per evening

    • Seaside Cabins $60-$75 per evening

  • Groups renting must be 5 or less unless you are from the same household (10 max)

  • You need a Non-Profit Tax Id (from your church/non-profit)

  • Cabins require a $100 damage deposit and rental agreement mailed in


May 2nd, 2020

The board of directors has taken the following actions to comply with the state Governor's Coronavirus response plan:


We pray that Delano will continue long into the future to provide a place for people to encounter the good news about Jesus the Christ. We are thankful that we have a God who cares for the sick and the vulnerable and we want to participate with him in that work at this time. Unfortunately, the best way to do that right now is to limit gatherings at our camp.


As the situation develops, there may be opportunities for people to gather at camp. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep everyone informed if we can start hosting large groups again.  Thank you for your understanding during this time. 


We have put together the following policies regarding Refunds, Cancelations, Rescheduling:



For anyone who has placed a deposit or paid in full, refunds are available by emailing If possible, we recommend "rolling" your deposit or camp fee into next year's camp. There are two reasons we think you should do this.


  1. Next year we are introducing a small price increase for our camps. Anyone who has already registered (or wishes to register for camp next year) will be able to pay this year's fee (instead of next year's increased fee). If your camper will be 'moving up' to the next camp, they need to pay the fee for the camp they are going to.

  2. Delano Bay uses the funds we collect each summer to maintain the camp, pay our caretakers, and invest in upgrades to our facility. With the current pandemic, we have a great deal of uncertainty regarding the income we normally bring in over the summer. If it is possible for your family, we would really appreciate holding onto your camper fees and deposits until next year to help us get through this challenging season.  


We completely understand, however, if your family needs a refund, though; please contact us if that is the case and we will be glad to issue a refund.



Anyone wishing to cancel and gather a refund is more than welcome to do so. Groups should contact our caretaker at, while parents of campers wishing to cancel should contact us via



If your party or group wishes to reschedule, please check availability on our calendar application and then give us a call at (253-884-2966) or email us


If you have specific questions about your reservation, please don't hesitate to call (253-884-2966) or email us



Lastly, we want to emphasize how important our summer season is for keeping the camp operating. We are unsure how many rentals might be canceled due to the pandemic. If your family is able, please consider a one time or recurring donation to Delano Bay Christian Camp. 


Delano Bay Christian Camp

810 Stamford Rd SW, Lakebay, WA 98349, USA

(253) 884-2966

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