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Camp Yamhill Partnership

Camp Yamhill has heard about Delano's struggles to get the Granberg Lodge back in order and have offered a steep discount for any DBCC camper that would still like to go to camp this summer. Campers from Delano will pay $100 to attend Camp Yamhill this summer!


Camp Yamhill is an incredible facility supported by Churches of Christ in Oregon. Check out their website and statement of faith to find out more about their ministry. 


If you'd like to take advantage of this generous offer, please follow the instructions below:

Registering for Camp Yamhill

Registration is entirely online. Instructions are below.

Partnering Congregation Registration | Camp Yamhill


In the partnering congregation section, choose "Other".


Payment ($100) will be applied via donation in the link below. 


In the memorial section type their names, the camp they are attending, and that they are a Delano Bay Camper. 

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